Who we ARE

TRT Industries develops, acquires and grows businesses in manufacturing, technology business solutions and property – sectors chosen for their high potential to materially enhance the lives of Africa’s people.

We apply digital solutions and data insight to integrate, optimise and industrialise our value chains, humanise and scale our product and service offerings, and enable local beneficiation and shared prosperity across Africa.

Established in 2018 and domiciled in Mauritius, our businesses serve African and International markets. We research, develop, manufacture and market Home Care and Personal Care products tailored to African markets. We offer fit-for-future property development services that aim to revolutionise urban African living.

Our business model centres on being a trusted strategic partner to businesses with an interest in actualising Africa’s industrial and entrepreneurial potential.


We will enhance 1.6 billion African lives by 2031, by unlocking and harnessing Africa’s industrialisation potential.

Propelled by our ambition to make a tangible difference in Africa, we will expand economic ease through accelerated, innovative and inclusive industrialisation.

We develop, acquire and grow businesses in our manufacturing and property development value pools. Enabled by technology and innovation, we industrialise, optimise and integrate our value chains, to commercialise our models at scale.

We share aggregated data insights with business partners and stakeholders to inform relevant product and service solutions, and shape socioeconomic upliftment strategies. We believe in the transformative power of embracing Africa’s intersecting identities and harnessing the talent density and lived experience of her diverse people.

We configure our value chains to first do no harm, and to generate enduring social good and advance a sustainable future for Africa. We invest in high potential, environmentally conscious businesses in stable locations, who share our core values and strengthen our connected ecosystem to enhance African lives.


TRT’s founding principles are embodied in our name:


We are laying the foundation for a new path to prosperity for all Africans. We believe in Africa’s creative ingenuity, industrial potential and entrepreneurial advantage. We build enduring relationships based on trust that are anchored in shared principles.

We bring proven industrial expertise and entrepreneurial experience, and powerful networks across the continent to our strategic partnerships. We have the appetite, alliances, resources and systems to accept and manage the opportunities and risks of African industrialisation, on behalf of our strategic partners and our communities.

We relish the potential of disruptive solutions to solve Africa’s needs. Never will we lose faith in Africa’s ability to invent, commercialise and own innovative applications that disrupt the status quo.


We guard the credentials of our businesses and the reputations of our partners through indelible standards of governance, rooted in a culture of authenticity, integrity and accountability.

We give agency to African aspirations. We serve Africa’s needs, preferences and ambitions. We align our commitments, culture and conduct to what Africa expects and deserves. We take responsibility for the just development, social good and natural wealth of the continent, not as a burden of compliance but a duty of care for the generations to come.

We are designing, investing and building a sustainable African future of economic liberation, personal dignity and collective wellbeing.


As producer, as consumer, as provider and inventor, Africa is our springboard from where we synthesise new and better ways to drive human progress.

We invest in purposeful and profitable African solutions by reconguring the wisdom of her ways, the knowhow of her people, and the benefit of her resources.

We shift the Africa stereotype from poverty to abundance, from dependence to interdependence, from extraction to beneficiation.

We inspirit Africa’s future. Uniting the imagination, ingenuity and agency of the continent’s best minds and bravest hearts behind a vision of transcendence – self-actualisation for Africans today, and Africa’s children tomorrow.

Together we TRANSCEND

We are laying the foundations of a new path to prosperity for all Africans.

We are uniting the hearts, minds and spirit of the best of the continent, to create a better future and building Africa together.